If you have been quoted a fee, you can make payment by any of the four methods listed below.

Note: some quoted fees can be paid in multiple payments. If you have been told you can pay in payments, you can pay any amount that fits into your budget until the quoted fee is paid in full (see below for additional information on Payment Plans).

1) Personal or Cashiers Check or Money Order made payable to: 
The Houser Law Firm  

2) MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express
over the phone at: (910) 333-9679 or click below to use LawPay

NOTE: LawPay will not accept payments that originate outside the United States. If you are outside the United States, call, text or e-mail us and we will asset with your payment or you can use PayPal below. 

3) PayPal

4) Cash payment (at our office only if you or someone on your behalf is in the Onslow County area.)


Our Payment Plan is very simple and convenient – if you have been told you can pay in payments, you can pay any amount that fits into your budget over whatever period of time you were quoted to pay the account balance in full.  There are no additional fees or finance charges for choosing to pay in payments. If you have questions about whether you can pay in payments, just call us at (910) 333-9679.

While we don’t mind completing the work necessary to get your case ready before you are paid in full, because the court requires court costs be paid at the time the case is filed, we can not actually file or complete your case until you are paid in full.